
Showing posts from January, 2019

An Overactive Mind: Afraid to Love?

I am afraid to let people in. I have been exposed to a culture of belief that you will be left - regardless of your status, amount of anniversaries, whether you’re parents, etc. - it is inevitable. My parents got divorced when I was only two, and throughout my childhood they had the worst relationship, co-parenting was basically non-existent; if it was dad’s weekend, it was dad’s weekend, and that was that. The two of them used to even blame each other for their divorce, in front of us. Eventually though, but a little too late in my opinion, they started getting along better. Some time around my teen years I suppose - they became more lenient with court-ordered dates, allowed more freedom, weren’t such sticklers on time, and even stopped speaking poorly of each other. However, that did not stop the alienating conversations regarding relationships in this family. In fact, they’re still borderline depressing. My mother still speaks poorly of marriage. She acts as if it is perh...

Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Perhaps I beg this question on the natural basis of my negative ways, but I also feel I can provide some facts to back my claim.  My family and I are not immune to bad experiences - in fact, I believe they find solace within the confines of our family unit - considering how often they seem to occur.  That timeline can become skewed based on mindset, I will admit, but that does not diminish the fact that one bad experience is devastating, even if fifty good experiences preceded it. I have only been alive for 20 years.  In the grand scheme of things, that's a very short amount of time, but it can also feel excruciatingly long at times.  These 20 years have probably brought me 70% great experiences and 30% bad, but that 30% can easily feel overwhelming, unfair, and depressing.  Especially when you feel as though all 30% has been happening in the span of a few years.  Even more-so when you realize it only feels so long because it's been stretched out througho...

"No Message is Also a Message": Why it Should Cease to Exist

If you have ever been ghosted, you know how absolutely saddening, confusing, and honestly annoying it is - to suddenly be ignored after x amount of time speaking to someone - it doesn't do a persons mentality well. To be a ghost-er requires a whole other level of cowardice, in my personal opinion.  To give your time and attention to someone, but not have the audacity to offer an explanation is really lackluster on your part.  I don't care if you spoke for two days or two years, humans deserve honesty and respect. Unless it is clearly stated before-hand, and agreed upon by both parties, that something will not continue past a night, then whatever.  However, if you interact multiple times, then suddenly are not feeling it anymore, speak up, don't just disappear.  Not only is that incredibly rude, but it also gives you a ghost-er reputation (which is not as cool as you seem to think it is). And in your explanation speech or message (which should always be said) pl...

New Year Resolutions: Do's and Don'ts

Do's: -Make resolutions selfish:   Nobody makes new year resolutions for other people; it's not a Christmas list you send to Santa.  New year resolutions are supposed to be selfish!  Include things in it that you have always wanted to try, or accomplish, or places you've wanted to travel to. -Make resolutions meaningful:   Do not put something on your resolution list just because your best friend did, or your significant other.  We are allowed to have our own passions and goals, and to accomplish things on our own.  If you want to learn to play the piano this year, but your mom thinks it's a waste of time, spend your time learning to play the piano.  We live this one life with ourselves and for ourselves until our life comes to an end, so we might as well do what makes us each happy. -Make resolutions attainable:   These things do not need to be achieved in the one calendar year; you could put "write a book" or "start a business" on your 2019...