The Ball and the Box: A Metaphor for Grief

Scrolling through Twitter this afternoon, I stumbled upon this thread by Lauren Herschel: The Ball and the Box . In it, she explains how grief is like a ball stuck inside a box that has a pain button on one side. Grief can be a very large ball at times, that constantly knocks against the pain button. At other times, grief is an incredibly small ball, and only knocks against the pain button every-so-often. If you have read my previous post, you saw that my family lost a member this week. She was my Great Aunt, and the last person on this earth that was related to my grandfather, aside from his children. I never met my grandfather, unfortunately, but I feel as though I have in some distant familial way. So to lose my Great Aunt is going to be pretty difficult to fathom for me for a while, and that's okay. That's not the only thing I have been dealing with, grief-wise. I feel as though I haven't quite been myself for a few months, in all ...