My Bucket List: Top 10

1. Visit Greece & Rome
In college, I took a couple art history and humanities courses.  In them, I learned about different genres, cultures, styles, and eras of art, among many other things.  Most of which (or at least my favorites), seemed to originate in Greece and Rome. Michelangelo's work, Titan's, (list some others).  Not only art, but also just simple historical curiosity; visiting the Colosseum, and the re-discovered city of Pompeii are definitely burning desires of mine (pun NOT intended, that would be horrible).

2. Write a Novel
If you haven't read my first blog post, I describe my love and admiration for the art of literature, both reading and writing it.  And, to be a little dramatic, I believe literature saved me, which I also previously discussed.  Ever since I found literature as an outlet, a form of expression, a sort of medication if you will, I have vowed to myself to do the same for others - create a world for countless lost individuals to escape to, and potentially find themselves in.

3. Go to the Dead Sea
My maternal grandmother is the queen of pool floating.  Even if she wasn't trying to, that would be her default setting.  I, on the other hand, am not a floater.  I can tread water like nobody's business, but floating?  Negatory.  Being able to effortlessly float like my grandmother is not why I want to visit the Dead Sea though (well, not entirely).  Jordan & Israel, the two countries that border the Dead Sea, would also be incredible locations to travel to.  And, I mean, you can't deny the Dead Sea of her beauty!

4. See the Northern Lights
I took an online astronomy course in college this spring, and it planted in me a seed of keen interest of the sky.  The Northern Lights are no exception.  Just from pictures I have seen online, this natural phenomenon looks absolutely breathtaking.  So these lights, rightfully so, deserved a place on my list.

5. Visit all 50 States
I live in Midwestern America, and have been to/through about 8 different states, not counting the one I am a citizen in.  But it's not just stepping foot on the gravel and calling it good, I want to see something amazing.  I want to take the time to research a popular state park, or breathtaking scenic route, something unimaginable and unforgettable to make the trip worth-while.  50 jaw-dropping, unique views?  Why not!

6. Learn to Play the Piano
These are not necessarily listed in numerical order, but I will admit this one is so low on my list because I have attempted it (multiple times) before...  The piano is a beautiful instrument.  I absolutely adore acoustic music, classical sounds, and the versatility of the keys.  They can be both haunting and sweet, dark and soft.  Again, I have tried to learn to play the piano, but it's still on my bucket list because I am determined to accomplish this goal.

7. Learn Archery
Katniss Everdeen definitely inspired teen-me in this goal (while we're on the subject, Mockingjay is an underappreciated literary masterpiece, and I will continue to fight in its defense all these years later).  I don't really have a lot to say on this particular subject, I just think it would be an awesome hobby to pick up!

8. Learn to Blow Glass
I don't know how many people have heard of Glass Blowing, but I am absolutely mesmerized by the act every time I encounter it.  In my elementary school days, my class traveled to a little place called Greenfield Village.  That place was fantastic, and as an adult I would like to travel back there and experience the village as an educated adult.  I digress.  But one of my favorite stops along the way was at the glass-blowing center.  A few passionate, hard-working individuals educating the audience on the process of glass-blowing, and showing us first-hand how things are created, was absolutely magical to me.  I would be honored to even shadow a glass-blower for a day, let alone actually learn their craft.

9. Fall in Love
Call me old-fashioned, but this is an absolute dream of mine.  As I wrote about in my second blog post, my parents are divorced.  I have nothing against step or blended family's, but one of my biggest dreams of all time is to fall madly in love with one individual forever (til death do us part...)  Again, call me old-fashioned if you must, but if I do nothing else but number 9 (and 10) in this life, that will surely suffice.

10. Become a Parent
This sort of ties in with number 9, but with a slight exception.  If, by some physical form, I am unable to have my own children in this life, I would still be honored to become a parent via adoption.  There are millions of orphaned and fostered children around the world who are beyond worthy of love and homes, and I would be proud to offer some my own.  And, even if I am able to have my own children, I would gladly do the same.  My own mother is my biggest role model and idol in this life, and I have always wanted to be just like her.  She's a great mother and friend, and I can only hope, if ever I am a mother, I am half of the one she has been to me.

Congratulations!  You have made it to the end of my bucket list!  This post was actually rather difficult, as I did not have a bucket list made before this post.  But I owed it to my friend and subscriber, Emily, to give her (and all you readers) what was asked of me.  I hope you enjoyed my top 10!  Feel free to share some of your own in the comments below!


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