Time: Simultaneously Fleeting and Forever
I had recently posted on all Sarah's Inscriptions social media accounts (you can follow them in the top right corner, or find them on my Contact page) that I was recently hired into a second job and would be rather busy - in other words, too busy for regular posts. But it has been brought to my attention, by my own mind, that the entire concept has sort of just been an excuse. In fact, I knew it was when I posted it. I have free time. Even working 2 jobs, I have an incredible amount of free time. You would think I would do something with it, or act grateful for it, or know how to utilize it. But the truth is, I don't. It's not that I couldn't actively work to figure it out - to ask friends if they wanted to hang out, to run some errands, schedule some me time, read a book (better yet, write my own), volunteer, exercise, meal prep for said jobs, literally do anything at all. Instead, I come home and I do absolutely nothing. I watch YouTube videos...