Griefaries: Eight
January 29, 2023 I was in the shower, rinsing myself off underneath the nearly too-warm water, when I suddenly got a writing idea. This has not happened to me in quite some time, but when it does, it never fails to arrive at the most inconvenient time - when I'm half asleep, driving, taking a shower, at work, etc. Nine times out of ten I will not be able to jot down the idea that floods my brain in full. If I'm lucky, I will remember it long enough to where I'm awake, parked, my hands are dry, all the kids are asleep, etc., and then I can make it permanent somewhere. The rather lucky and unlucky scenario that happened to me in that shower, was that I didn't forget the prompt. But I'm certain that's because the initial prompt only prompted even more thoughts, which flashed my brain with traumatic images, which made the remainder of that shower feel simultaneously like two seconds and two days had passed. When thoughts like this intrude so suddenly, it can al...